Our Back Office Premium Solutions
Xubisoft, a world leader in BPO services supporting organizations with premium quality data management services covering their customized business needs. We are concerned with receiving haphazard distorted data from clients & organizing, sorting, & categorizing this into an indexed database.
we use best-in-class technology to make sure all of your data, in different formats, is scanned into a common format accessible and retrieval able to all. Xubisoft uses state-of-the-art technology for the automation of the data entry process.
Xubisoft has in its disposition extensive data mining services having the capability of rendering added value to organizational operations from a diverse range of industries. We keep track of partial, due, and paid invoices along with digitization by converting paper invoices into electronic format.
We can handle all of your data conversion and OCR scanning needs. Our techniques and talent can deliver accurate results quickly.